Since 2012, the Andrew Giving Fund has met the needs of those near and far! From building a baseball field as a means to bring water to a village in the Dominican Republic to supplying a shoe closet at local schools, we have been honored and humbled by where Andrew's legacy has taken us. Take a look at the work we have done.
Provide bikes and helmets for kiddos who otherwise would't be able to ride.
Provided shin guards and cleats for all kids participating in OOD free clinics.
Helped fund a build a baseball field in rural DR to also bring clean water to the town.
Fund program fees for girls participating in the Girls on the Run program and Crestview School of Learning.
Provided each child participating in the free soccer clininc with their own soccer ball.
Provided more than 50 pairs of shoes for kiddos who need them at Crestview School of Learning.
Provide funds to cover progam fees and equipment for kids interested in organized sports.
Fund a medical clinic to provide sports physicals to help kids meet health requirements for organized sports.
Fund coaching costs to allow sports clinincs to remain free to kids participating.